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Česká spořitelna's green financing will help HOPI reduce the amount of emissions produced by 1,000 cars in one year

Česká spořitelna's green financing will help HOPI reduce the amount of emissions produced by 1,000 cars in one year

Two thousand tons of carbon dioxide. That's the amount produced by an average of 1,000 cars per year in the Czech Republic, assuming each car travels 20,000 km. This is the amount by which the logistics and warehousing company HOPI will reduce its annual CO2 emissions. This will be achieved by investing in more energy-efficient technologies and installing its own renewable energy sources in its cold storage facilities.

The total investment exceeds CZK 300 million. About a quarter of it was covered by financing from Česká spořitelna. HOPI will also benefit from a subsidy under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This will be reimbursed only on the basis of proof of invoices paid in the future. Therefore, Česká spořitelna will provide HOPI with a bridging loan until the subsidy is paid.

"Supporting "green" projects is one of Česká spořitelna's strategies. Our intention is to support the transformation of the domestic economy into a cleaner one, and also to support Czech family businesses in strengthening their competitiveness. For this reason, the cooperation with HOPI is essential for us," said Matúš Púll, Sustainability Manager at Česká spořitelna.

HOPI is a Czech family-owned company that provides comprehensive logistics services (e.g. storage and transport in all temperature regimes) packaging or labelling. Its main customers include Makro, P&G, Nestlé, Lagardere and Olma. In its distribution centre in Jažlovice, it stores mainly frozen products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, fruit and vegetables) and yoghurt.

"We are currently implementing a project in the halls in Jažlovice involving a total reconstruction of the cooling/freezing system, replacement of lighting and other energy-saving measures using waste heat. This project will result in saving 2,023 tonnes of CO2 per year. Over the next two years, we will invest further in improving energy efficiency to reduce our annual carbon footprint by 6,620 tonnes of CO2," said Tomáš Neruda of HOPI.

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Some reference
P&G Tesco Lindt Ahold Haribo Tipafrost DR. Oetker Hollandia Bohemia sekt Mondelez